Name: Tony Tony Chopper
Nickname: Raccoon, Chopper, Chappy
Birthday: December 24
Devil Fruit: Hito-Hito No mi/ Human-Human Fruit (Human)
Type: Zoan
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates |
Tony Tony Chopper is the fifth member of the Straw Hat Pirates. He is the doctor of the crew. He is the first member of the Straw Hat Pirates that came from "Grand Line". He came from Drum Island and he is the assistant of the only doctor left in that island. Many people see him as a monster, they chase him because of he is not a human but he has a heart and mind of a human because of the fruit that he ate. He ate the "
Hito-Hito No mi/ Human-Human Fruit which means human. So he is an animal that become a human. Before he met
Luffy and the other crew, he did not trust anybody except for the two doctors who help him. At first invitation of Luffy to join their crew, Chopper rejected him because he did not want to leave the doctor but at the end they convinced him so he join the crew as their doctor. Many female characters find Chopper cute like his crew mate
Nami and
Robin. Chopper can transform himself into different types. As times goes by, he improves his abilities and add another transformation types.
When the Straw Hat Crews separate, chopper study more about medicine and acquired new techniques, transformation and knowledge. He can control himself now if he transform to a giant Chopper. Now his bounty is 50 belly.
Most of the time, Chopper is a small and cute human/reindeer with a brown fur and his devil fruit abilities allow him to transform depending on the situations. His left antler has a brace of metal because it was broken when he was younger.
Like his male crew mate, chopper has the same outfit from the very start. He wears a big red hat and a maroon shorts only. After the separation, chopper become thin, and then he change his outfit. Now he wear a big blue circle hat with X mark in the front, a striped sleeveless t-shirt and an orange shorts. His antler become wider.
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